Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults--is the process through which the Catholic Church welcomes new adult members. It is a journey that involves conversion of the heart and formation into discipleship. These newcomers may be unbaptized persons, persons who have been baptized in another Christian tradition, or baptized Catholics who have had little or no religious training.
The RCIA process is divided into four periods. The first period is called the Period of Inquiry. This is a time of awakening faith. It is a period for asking questions, for sharing stories, for building trust, for sharing the Gospel message of salvation, and for introduction into the life of the parish. The second period is called the Period of the Catechumenate. This is a time of deepening of faith and conversion and for passing on of Catholic tradition. It is a period of training and apprenticeship in the Christian way of life. The third period is the Period of Purification and Enlightenment. This is a time for retreat and recollection. At the end of this period, the elect will receive Baptism, Confirmation, and their first Eucharist. Candidates are welcomed into full communion with the Church. The fourth and final period is called the Period of Mystagogy. During this period they reflect on their experience and participate more fully in the sacramental life of the parish and in Christian service. The emphasis is on Gospel, Eucharist, and Mission.
We, the parish family of St. Joseph, take seriously the call to discipleship which flows from our baptism. We joyfully welcome those seeking a relationship with Jesus through the Catholic Christian community and commit ourselves to their formation in faith by our word and example. We support them through our prayers.
Please call the Parish office if interested in learning more about RCIA.