In accordance with the Code of Canon Law in the universal Church, each parish must have a Parish Finance Council whose role is to provide sound financial advice to the Pastor regarding the administration of the temporal goods of the Parish. Members of the Finance Council are appointed by the Pastor after consultation with the Pastoral Council. Members must have some working knowledge of finances and sound financial planning as exhibited by their personal and professional lives. Members have to be able to maintain some level of discretion in regards to the sensitive information they receive and review. Members should be regarded as trustworthy among the parish community, be practicing Catholics and in good standing with the Catholic Church.
The Finance Council meets quarterly on the fourth Tuesday of the month (January, April, July, October) at 7:00PM in the Parish Center.
Guests are invited to address the Council at the quarterly meetings before the business meeting.
Inquiries regarding the Finance Council may be directed to Charlie Hill, President of the Finance Council,